Friday, November 20, 2009

Why do people think myspace is bad?

i mean seriously as long as you dont post slutty pictures of yourself and keep it on private you're good.

Why do people think myspace is bad?

Every one is entitled to their own opinion...

some people put info and pics that they don't want the public to see but anything on the internet can be seen by anyone. there are ways around the "private" settings and then there are some parents that don't like the fact that their children could be hiding stuff from them

Why do people think myspace is bad?


Why do people think myspace is bad?

The nasty/terrible layouts people use and all of that 'MySpace glitter' junk.

Why do people think myspace is bad?

Myspace really isn't bad, until you go into the video section. I've seen some pretty nasty videos that come very close to being considered porn.

Why do people think myspace is bad?

You dont need slutty Pictures.. There're alot of pedafiles on myspace and they go for ANYONE little boys and girls to men and woman.... So it's not so safe for younger kids

Why do people think myspace is bad?

Because there is alot of man who murder young woman. Don't you notice have been often on the News about it?

Why do people think myspace is bad?

It can be bad for relationships if you are insecure. Just adding a certain person as a friend or putting them in your top friend can cause the slightest bit of drama in your relationship. There are so many people that have had relationship problems and it was myspace and/or facebook related.

Why do people think myspace is bad?

People think it's bad because of the negative aspects of it- it's pretty easy to let out too much information on myspace and some kids do not realize they are opening themselves up to ridicule and danger, it's a site that pedophiles use to gawk at and lust over children and teenagers, it's a place that some girls use to show their raunchy side and come across as slutty. Some parent's use it to spy on their kids and some places of business use it to spy on their employees.

But with the negative side there is a positive side- it's a good way for people to find and keep in touch with relatives and friends. It's also a good place for artists and musicians to advertise their work for free.

Why do people think myspace is bad?

dude myspace is ******* AWESOME!!!!!!

Why do people think myspace is bad?

myspace isn't bad at all i don't think. yes u get some unwanted people who want to be your friend. that might be the only thing bad.

Why do people think myspace is bad?

A lot of what people here have said can be true. Myspace can have some people who are more of a mature nature. However, that should not condemn Myspace. People should be allowed to freely express their interests, or else we are denying the very freedoms we are supposed to be promised in this country.

Why do people think myspace is bad?

hahah it ruins relationships, i swear.

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