Sunday, November 29, 2009

MySpace Whore Train question?

If you give your URL, and your profile is private, will they be able to see, or can your profile be protected?

MySpace Whore Train question?

Your profile is on private to other users that are not added as your friends.

So if the owner(s) have your url and you added them.

They'd be able to see your profile.


While your on the train, your profile is still private to others.

So, they'll see that your on private, but they don't care.

They'll still add you.

Hope this helps!

MySpace Whore Train question?

If you set your profile to private, they can only get in after you accept their request for access.

MySpace Whore Train question?

If your profile is on private, nobody can see it unless they are your friend. The train doesn't matter

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