Friday, November 20, 2009

How did they hack my myspace?

Ok this is kind of scary :/

Someone hacked my myspace. I tried to log in and it wouldn閳ユ獩 let me so I searched the email I used and it came up with- my headline, a different picture, and a different state. How could someone do this? I hadn閳ユ獩 even added any of my friends yet! They didn閳ユ獩 even know the email, let alone password! Now, the problem is, it was a fake email, so what do I do? How could someone get into it?

Oh, and it had been set on private (even when I had it) so I can't look at it.

How did they hack my myspace?

Hackers can do just about anything they want these days.....

How did they hack my myspace?

Hackers can and will do anything. They hacked my myspace account too. It sends bulletins out to all my friends about winning n xbox 360 and a nintendo W11. Make sure everyone knows not to open anything that says it was sent from you

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