Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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I am 16 years old. I am a sophmore in high school, and I'm half korean and half white. I used to be really proud of being different, becuase my town is just about 90% white people.

Dont get me wrong, I am happy as I am and would'nt wish it any other way. But lately I've been introduced as "Hey this is my asian friend, Jenni". I like being asian, but I dont want to be defined by it, I just want to be jenni! Sometimes I even feel that guys dont like me because of that, like they dont want to be the one with the asian girl.

soo.. my questions:

How can i change this without making me and my friends uncomfortable? (Everytime they say this stuff I just laugh too, and even make jokes sometimes, so if I randomly come out and say I don't like it.. well..)

How do guys think of asian girls?

Do I even look that asian? And does it affect my overall appearance? (this should take you to my myspace *private* page.. w/ my picture only)

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First when a friend introduces you as "my asian friend Jenni." Just correct them and say, "Im just Jenni." Or even tell your friends to introduce you as just Jenni. For a while being (guys) with a pretty asian women was the newest hype. But I think its becoming more of a norm. I saw your page and yes you do look asian but please dont allow looking asian to affect your overall appearance that is your personality's job. In other words dont be define by who you but by what you are inside.

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Your very pretty and from my experience guys love beautiful Asian woman, if I were you don't worry about it.

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In predominantly white towns, that's how it is. Regardless of your heritage, people will see you as Asian. Kind of lame, I know. I'm glad you can laugh this off. Until you either move out to more of a mixed town this is unfortunately how it's going to be. Sorry.

Look at this picture*/answer!... Not getting many answers, :(?'re really beautiful. You should tell your friends, each privately, that you'd really rather them not make a big deal about your being asian. Since that isn't your only defining characteristic. For example, I doubt they'd introduce a well-endowed friend as, ""This is my big-chested friend, Latrice..."

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From what I can tell, you look like a mix. Just tell your friends that you don't like it when they say that. But you will always get that common question "what are you?" You must hate that question, but it will always come up. It just means that you are different and people are naturally curious. Don't fight it cause it will always come up. But let your friends know. Just tell them something like that you don't think they're mean or I don't want to be a ***** about it, but it bothers you when they say that. If they're your good friends, then they don't want to hurt you.

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Your a very pretty girl. If this bothers you I think you should try to talk to your friends about it explain why it bothers you. Don't just say "I don't like it that i'm always refered to as the Asian girl." Tell them the truth, and see what happens. I understand how you feel though. I'm at the end of my first year in college but i also live in a mostly white area and i am not white. However, my friends introduce me as their friend, or by my name, and they love me for who i am. If your friends can't respect you afterwards if you try talking to them they don't deserve you as a friend. As far as guys go. I'm a girl but many i know like asian girls i'm sure you'll find someone. Hope this helps.

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You look asian to be quite honest with you but it is not bad thing. Don't have low self esteem b/c you're cute asian. I for one think that your town implanted an image to your mind that being white is right. It is not, im from NY it is a total different environment, asian, white sameo sameo no one cares where your from-Simply your friends are just another brick on your wall

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