Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I screwed up badly didnt I ?

Well i asked a girl if she liked me on myspace private message. She said sorry no, just as a friend. Then i said thanks for being honest.

She said no problem. Why did you ask?

I said because i like you

She said awww... embarassing smiley face

Then i said something about feeling stupid.

She replied saying i dont think your stupid. and some hug smiley faces.

Then i said dont feel bad, i feel better knowing than wondering.

she replied Yeah :)

I felt happy for some reason after this.

I dont care if you think you have a stupid answer, please answer just what you can.

?? ?What do you think she thinks of me? ??

We were sort of friends before this. Were in middleschool. She tried to talk to me sometimes buy asking me hows it going, and talks to me more now that were sort of friends.

I screwed up badly didnt I ?

she likes you as a friend. just like she said. life is much easier if you just take people for what they say instead of trying to come up with other possible explanations. playing into that just encourages other people to play games causing a never ending cycle of vauge mysterious wasteful idle talk. it's so annoying!

Don't treat her like you like her now that she's said that. Be totally and absolutely JUST a friend. Don't do anything above and beyond.

If she likes you that will get to her and she'll make it more obvious.

I screwed up badly didnt I ?

She thinks of you as a friend, obviously. That's what she said.

She seems very friendly and caring. Don't mistake that for feelings of love or anything, since she just explained how she truly feels.

I screwed up badly didnt I ?

she took it as a compliment, and thought maybe it would be worth becoming your friend, since you certainly think a lot of her

so shes like, getting to know you, maybe even starting to like you

but it would be better to become good friends first before you try to make another move

I screwed up badly didnt I ?

it's a nice answer.

she thinks your a nice guy, but she justs wants to be your friend,

in time if she realizes that she does like u, u'll know, but don't bring it up till then because then you'll look desprate.

like there's this guy, who asks me out like 1ce a month, and he nvr looks at me or talks to me coz he's to shy, but he's so annoying! he follows my friends around so he can learn more about me. one thim, i said hi to him, and he started think that i was in love with him, just because i said hi. dDON"T BE LIKE THAT

she's probably going to tell some of her friends, and that's ok, don't let it bother you. inside, she feels flattered that you like her. although she may not like you back. treat her like you would treat a friend

good luck..

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