Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I need a girls oppinion?

Well i asked a girl if she liked me on myspace private message. She said sorry no, just as a friend. Then i said thanks for being honest.

She said no problem. Why did you ask?

I said because i like you

She said awww... embarassing smiley face

Then i said something about feeling stupid.

She replied saying i dont think your stupid. and some hug smiley faces.

Then i said dont feel bad, i feel better knowing than wondering.

she replied Yeah :)

I felt happy for some reason after this.

I dont care if you think you have a stupid answer, please answer just what you can. What do you think she thinks of me? We were sort of friends before this. Were in middleschool. She tries to talk to me sometimes, and talks to me more now that were sort of friends.

I need a girls oppinion?

Honestly, I think she finds you sweet for admitting to her that you like her. But she doesn't see you as anything more than a friend. She finds you "aww-like" cute, but she is not physically/sexually attracted to you. I can tell clearly from her responses that this is how she feels.


I need a girls oppinion?

Well it sounds to me like she's holding back.

If a girl really doesn't like you, she'll tell you straight up and then end the conversation right then.

But you say she was saying stuff like, embaressed smily, and don't feel bad. Obviously she cares about your feelings.

I say she's holding back.

I need a girls oppinion?

Sounds like she likes you but no more than a friend.She probably thinks your nice and sweet for sharing how you feel. She probably is talking to you more because she wants to know you better to see if she actually might like you. Give it time and don't keep telling her you like her. The first was enough for her to remember so just make sure your nice and friendly. Don't go to far with sharing your feelings.

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