Friday, November 20, 2009

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspac

When deciding whether or not to hire that person? There was an article in our student newspaper here on campus about this topic today, and how the content you have on your profile, and the things you say, my weigh against you when it comes time to deciding whether or not you get a job with that particular company or institution. According to the article, more and more companies are researching potential employees this way. Do you think that it is fair for employers to look at these sites, and use this information in their decisions? On one hand, I think okay well if your information is available to the public like that, then you have to be aware that there might be repurcussions, and by posting the info then you are willingly taking the risk. However, on the other hand, I also believe there should be a separation between a person's work life, and their private life. What do you all think?

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspace...?

Yes, I think it fair. By posting a public page, you have effectively put up a postcard on a public bulletin board for everyone to read. I think it would be irresponsible for a potential employer to NOT read any public information you posted, as if it was part of your resume. The best decision is made with the most information. You do research on a potential employer, and read their web pages, right? What is the difference between you reading the company web page and the company reading your web page? I wonder how many of the young ladies in the "girls gone wild" videos will regret in a few years, going bare for the camera when they are in a job interview...Don't write anything down that you don't want known by the general public one fine day in the future.

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspace...?

If you post something on the net as viewable to the general public then it is just that, viewable. If you don't want someone to know about certain things then don't put it out there for the world to see.

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspace...?

I agree completely, but in this world we live in it's a lot easier to check someone out by visiting their myspace page then anything else.

Lets face it, if you post things about yourself you have to know that people are going to judge you based on the content of your postings.

I have read several articles about this same exact thing and it has cost several people their future jobs because of what their intended employers found out about them.

If you do not want the whole world to know? Don't put it on your web page.

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspace...?

Personalities carry over into the work environment. If you post things on myspace its open for viewing dont blame the potential employer for that. when an employer hires someone there is plenty of risk involved.

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspace...?

Great question! I agree with both your final points. However, it really comes down to the fact that you're putting information about yourself out there for the whole world to see. And some potential employers are apparently smart enough to go take a peek to find out more about their potential hire! Public information is just that.

I do agree there should be some separation between a person's work life and their personal life. A public website doesn't exactly qualify as 'personal life' though!

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspace...?

You have to look at that from a management perspective, because "worst case scenario" that person gets hired does well for a while and then gets comfortable and starts taking stuff from people at work maybe even small stuff that no one cares about except the accounts at the job because stuff costs money....and then the employee has a my space page that he updates with new stories of stuff that he took and that he is raggin on his co-workers and boss because they" so dumb they dont know whos doin it" the old saying comes to mind surround your self with people you would like to be like...or what if the person has alot of sexually explicit sayings or something that could lead that person to offending co-workers with the way that that person acts and mentality....again I have to look at it this way I am the director of recruiting for a mortgage company that does business in half the country so I have to deal with that stuff...but I believe that there are no coincidences in life so if there is something that your r employer is not comfortable I feel that is a fair judgement but I would be upset if it happened to me from an employee side...i mean its pretty simple if its something you shouldnt be doin but you do it any way dont let people know about it,,, better yet just dont do it

Do you think it閳ユ獨 fair for potential employers to look at a person閳ユ獨 profile on websites like myspace...?

I think that if people don't want employers looking at their profiles, then they should simply set their profiles to private--case closed!

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