Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

i have a new layout site but i only have 134 friends. and i want to get supported by other sites, but for that i need 10k+. i ive try MILLIONS of whore trains. what else can i do? whats a REALLLLLLY fast way to get friends? i made whore codes. i DONT believe in slutty picutres of myself [if you suggest it, ill report you]. %26amp;%26amp; i CANT set my profile OFF private. that defeats the purpose of a layout site.

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

OKAY. To All You Rude As People: Why Waste Your Time With a Pointless Answer? And Second of All, Do You Realize That This Girl Made a LAYOUT SITE [Definition; a Myspace Account On Which Someone Post Their Layouts That They Have Made For OTHER PEOPLE TO USE!]

That Would Be The Reason That She Want's More Friends, So They Can Use The Layouts She Has Made!

%26amp;%26amp; For You; I Would Start Adding Some Layout Sites %26amp;%26amp; Finding Nice Ones With Nice Owners and Tell Then That You Are New %26amp;%26amp; If They Would Please Support You :)

I Suggest You Add and also

%26amp;%26amp; You Can Also Add Me;


Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

Go to other peoples sites that you like and add them.

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

add celebs

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

why? just get real friends.

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

send me a link to ur myspace account hun! And of course browse through and add loads, myself i don't like people who have LOADS of friends cyber or real, just a few choice Kindred spirits!

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

myspace friends ARE NOT actually your friends

there are a lot of pedos there, pretending to be 13 yr old girls to get your "friendship"

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

my guess is just to browse and add people. Not everyone will add you back, but lots probably will.

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

uhmmm ill add u n whore u if u want ok just added u lol im th one in th silver dress haha

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

omfg you could not be annoying enough to put the same exact question down like 10 minutes later.

There is a reason for the 'add details' button.

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

Just add other people instead of waiting for them to ask you

P.S. Are you sure you have a problem with slutty pics? Your yahoo answers pic suggests otherwise...

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

Be friendly and kind... Meet some people that you do not know....

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

try getting a life.

like, a real one. away from the internet.

that should probably do it.

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

trust me on this: ** is the best!!!!!!

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

Well, get all of your friends at work, school etc... do add you if they haven't. The best way to be is to get the word out, what's your layout sight? I'll add you! =)

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

Maybe just try getting a life instead, just for fun.

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

you add other people just go to random peoples pages and add them thats how i would do it...

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

go to browse.... and then just add every person in the browse section....

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

You have to ask if someone will be your friend, and sometimes that works pretty well.

Okay, you could set pictures from you in a special position, but than you'll get friends you don't want to, so just ask, the best way.


Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

I have a friend who sends out bulletins asking his friends to post his bulletin. In the bulletin it has a normal picture of him and says add him because he is....blah blah. Try that and keep sending it out. Other than that I don't know. Mostly you have to be slutty....and that is just wrong. Maybe put a pic of someone else like a model or something and see what happens. I really honestly am not sure about this one. But just try what I said and if you get 1 friend cool and if you get 100's awesome. Good luck

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

So, perhaps the best idea is to not be so stupid as to post a question on how to make friends on MySpace (they are not friends, but anyway) and NOT PUT A LINK TO YOUR PAGE

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

what really works is pictures of you bending down with a thong on and take a picture of your as.s. I'm not being inappropiate, just look a those profiles and you'll see that all of them have freinds ranging in the thousands, I knew a chick who had 4,625 friends because she was posing in a provacative manner. try it once and you'll see you have plenty of friends, that's the only way, works both guys and girls, just take a look and the proof is in the pudding

Whats a REALLY fast way to make ALOT of friends on myspace?

simply join one of those myspace trains... you can find them on any one of your friend's Friends List.. to spot them, they're usually have things such as 10k 40k etc... as their display name

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