Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

I am at work, NOT using our companies email. Can my boss read (or use against me) content from my yahoo, myspace, or other sites?

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

Two part question:

CAN he read your email, myYahoo,MySpace etc?


SHOULD he read your email, myYahoo,MySpace etc?

The first part is easy enough to answer. There are several programs that allow I.T. Managers to see where you're going during work hours. They can see what the address is and how much time you spent there. There are also programs that will allow the IT guys to mirror your screen (see everything that's happening on your screen). With the address in hand, they can go visit your MySpace etc.. as if they were anybody else on the planet. Ditto for LiveJournal, Facebook etc... If you're putting it out there, it's free and open. Don't put anything out there that you don't want read..period!

As for Yahoo email....they shouldn't have access unless you give them your password, which is why places like Yahoo, Hotmail and GMail are often blocked.

SHOULD they? The better question would be, should YOU?

They're paying your salary, so they can legally access everything you do at work..and use it against you...especially if you're slamming the company behind their back. It's a firing offense. :P

Solution? Don't give them the opportunity. Surf the web at home. Check email at home. Keep your privacy AND your job.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

Thanks for making me paranoid now!

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?


Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

If he/she sees what you are looking at, or if you leave it up and on the screen. Other than that, there is really no way.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

No thats why is private, that should be a violation of privacy!!

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

He can if he wanted to... if your using a company computer to access, recieve and send email... then yes he can. Most companys now record every key stroke you make on a company computer. They may not be able to look directly at your private email, but they CAN read it by looking at your recorded keystrokes... trust me.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

your boss? no.

your IT group? yes.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

not unless you give him your pass word

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

No. The company's email they can but not yours.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

It depends if he has a key lock on the surver. The key lock types what ever you type. And if he has an out going check on all mail that is not sent to people in the place you work at.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

it is illegal but if he/she has your password im for sure they can read it.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

if they know your code they can tap in.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

yes, if he moniters your pc, so most likely: yes

Don't believe others saying he can't. Most firms place keyloggers or others spy programs on their employees computers. They can see anything you do and they have all your passwords. (if you used them on the pc)

They don't just see the sites you surfed on like some claim, they see every key you entered and the newer programs can see anything on your screen in real time and later on. Google on spy programs or keylogger, you will find plenty, even free programs that can do that.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

Only if he obtains your password. It's not easily guessable is it - like your dog's name, your birth date in reverse or some other easily obtained information about you?

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

All the respondents who answered "No," the boss cannot look at your private email are incorrect and misinformed. As long as you are on the job premises, using their computer over their LAN lines, they can do whatever they want. Invasion of privacy does not exist there. Be wary.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

the answer is probably yes if your company has an internet usage policy.

most medium to large companies track all internet activities by their employees, and have the capability to see everything you do.

if your company has no internet usage policy, and they try to use your internet activity against you, then you probably have some grounds for legal action.

otherwise, be careful what you say and what sited you visit.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

See this article from just a few days ago

"Few ordinary users realize that one in three of their IT work colleagues are snooping through company systems, peeking at confidential information such as your private files, wage data, personal e-mails, and HR background, using admin privileges."

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

It's a definite possibility, depending on how your computers at work are set up.

Please keep in mind that your employer pays you to work for him/her and NOT for playing online. If your company has a policy allowing personal online time, that's fine, but if they are against it, they may have put security measures in place to know who's doing what.

Your online time should be done from home and on your lunch or coffee breaks only.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

i dont know a legal answer to this, but as far as im concerned, i dont think so. reading someones mail from their mailbox is illegal, so i would assume reading someones email is illegal as well.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?


Not unless He has your UserID and Password for your Yahoo Account.

IT people can tell where you have surfed. IF your company has strict rules about using the Internet for personal use, they might track which sites you've been to with Tracker.

But ultimately no, he cannot see your emails because he does not have your Password to your Yahoo account.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

According to the legal eagles (yes, we all love lawyers), your boss can access any activity that occurs on company equipment or on company time. This includes your private e-mail and personal phone calls while at work. Are you paranoid yet?

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

If you are using company computer/internet to check your personal email, then yes. As far as profile/content goes, anyone can read this including your boss and boss can use it against you to protect his company/reputation.

Company has right to watch what you do on internet using company property (pc/internet etc.)

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

Yes your messages can be read if you are logged on to a company computer and the pull your internet usage . Company can pull screen shots of what has been accessed. I worked in the quality department of a company and we could see everything on the screens. It was a call center and we would record conversations and we could look in to see what was access and what they have up on their computer screen. My advice is to becareful what you pull up on the internet and what you write in your emails

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

If your work computer system is controlled by a server then yes, the server logs all internet traffic.

Is logging into and inspecting your e-mails at work legal, yes.

Can you be fired for doing this, depends on company policy. In my company, you would be fired.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

no. he is just being nosy into seeing your private life.

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?

It's illegal to go to someone's privacy, however if you suspect, set him/her up like writing an email for yourself as if it were for a friend. I saw my boss's wife/ husband with another man/woman , just be creative to see if you can pick anything up.If he or she is doing that you can sue the company, that way you kill two birds with one stone: Get money and cut his/her long nose

Can my boss read my private (yahoo) email?








FROM TRUTH PEWEE!!" .and walk away...

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