Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Myspace friends....networking...?

I dont get it....I searched within my area other moms around my age...looking for friends/networking...

A few profiles I read and thought they would seem cool...request friends, and even sent a message to them about myself since my profile is private.

I got a few new friends that seem nice, but most of them read the email and didnt approve me! What gives?

Myspace friends....networking...?

Myspace is a very sketchy thing these days. People will friend anyone and to be honest I say no to alot of friend requests. Alot fo people will send a request and then ill email them and say hi i was wonderign why you wanted to be my friend and they neeeeeever answer so after liek a week i deny the friend request.

Myspace friends....networking...?

Alot of people strictly stick to having people they know on their friends lists to prevent hacking and phishing, they may be worried that having you on their friends list could expose their site to hackers and or phishing.

Myspace friends....networking...?

Alot of people use Mypsace as a way of communicating with people they know personally. I don't approve anyone I don't know. I use it, because I am all over the country and have alot of friends from everywhere. I don't have time to call even one of them a day, because I am just to busy. So a quick message everynow and then is my way to say, Hey, I miss ya'll! Other than that I don't use it. I understand where you are coming from. When you meet someone say," Hey, are you on myspace?", and then get their URL. Good Luck!

Myspace friends....networking...?

I like having friends on Myspace and getting to know them. To me it is like having a penpal when you are young.

But I don't have any friends on Myspace, in the town I live in. I like to keep my private life private. And I don't want someone I have never met dropping by my home unannounced.

so, most of my Myspace friends (that are not already friends before Myspace or my family),are from other states or they live far enough I don't think they will just drop by.

I don't have just anybody for friends...most are my age and have the same interest.

Your main problem is that people like to read a person's profile before they accept them as a friend.

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