Monday, December 28, 2009

What can i do so people who arent my friend on myspace can't message me?

my profile is private %26amp; i blocked this guy. he keeps messaging me and i dont want him to. i cant hide the contact table if its private so what can i do?

What can i do so people who arent my friend on myspace can't message me?

go to their main page and put block user or ignore user and then they wont be able 2 send u messages

What can i do so people who arent my friend on myspace can't message me?

ignore him

What can i do so people who arent my friend on myspace can't message me?

if he is blocked there is no way he can contact you... ignore the messages?

What can i do so people who arent my friend on myspace can't message me?

Go to his contact table %26amp; block him from there. If your blocked on Myspace then it will send the message to you from the guy but you will not actually recieve it %26amp; be able to read it. That or report him, I'm not entirely sure if you can but you could look at the bottom links on Myspace %26amp; try it? Good luck.

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